I've already been in classes for three weeks now and I can't tell you how much I'm loving it. This semester I'm taking classes that are preparing me to teach the core subjects, and it's really exciting. I'm also going to be spending some time in the classroom!!! So hopefully some of the things I share with you will be pertinent and interesting.
The first thing I want to share this school year is memories from my elementary years that could give you ideas for your future classroom.
One of the first memories (and many thereafter) I have is from second grade. My teacher was so awesome because he always did so many different hands-on activities that made everything more interesting. I remember doing a dinosaur unit, and we actually went into the sand box on the playground and dug for fossils (wooden dinosaur bones). Then we had to identify them based on what we knew about dinosaurs.
Another thing I remember from second grade is doing a space unit. Every year, my teacher would have his class make paper mache planets to hang in the hallway. His first year teaching he had the students make a little tiny planet for Mercury, then the next year made Venus, and so on. When it was my second grade year, it was time to make Jupiter. We were so excited because it was the big planet, plus we got to make the rings! We spent hours putting on paper mache, painting, and attaching the rings. We were so proud to finally display it in the hallway with the others.
These memories were all ones from over 10 years ago. I still remember them because my teacher was so wonderful. He had a passion for every subject he taught, and it showed. I can honestly say that he was one of my favorite teachers of all time. I only hope that I can be that teacher someday, and that someone will look back and say how much they loved being in my classroom.