
Five Little Turkeys!

Five Little Turkeys Five little turkeys standing at the door, One waddled off, and then there were four. Four little turkeys sitting near ...

This is a fun little song to help welcome in the Thanksgiving season! 


Pasta Turkey!

Thanksgiving Kid Crafts
I love this idea! It's such a cute way for students to put what they're thankful for into a keepsake book. Cut brown paper to the desired size, then have older children cut out the turkey parts- head, body, feet, beak, and gobble. For younger kids, you may want to do the cutting. Then use colored spiral pasta to give him some feathers. Add some wiggle eyes and room for a title and your all set! Then the kids can either color a picture of what they're thankful for, or they can write it down (or both!). This is such a fun idea! 


Fine Motor Turkeys

Fine motor turkeys in preschool | Teach Preschool... I did this with an upside down colander instead!
This is a great one, especially for the little ones or those who need some help developing fine motor skills! 

Get some paper cubs, brown construction paper, black marker, and small feathers. Carefully poke holes in the bottom of half of the cups (the number of cups will depend on how many students you have). For poking the holes I would use a paper clip or small scissors because the holes have to be small enough to fit the small feathers. On the upside down cup wrap brown paper around it the entire way and staple or glue to the cup. Complete this process with the other cups except do not poke the holes. These cups will hold the excess feathers (as shown above). Finally, decorate the cups with cute turkey faces and leave them out for kids to practice with. Students can use these by sorting colors, making patterns, or simply putting the feathers into the holes for practice. Fun, easy AND festive! What more could you want?!


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