
Candy Corn Art

Candy Corn Craft
This project is one that I did with a group of my students that ranged in age from kindergarten to third grade. I drew the outline of the candy corn on the black construction paper with a white crayon. Then I cut out squares of each color construction paper (white, yellow, and orange). Then I had students glue on the squares in the correct section, and I had them write their names in the corner. 

This was such an easy and fun craft, and if your students are more independent, you could have them do the drawing, cutting, and gluing on their own!


Paper Plate Ghost

Tons of Halloween party ideas - food, decor, games, and kids' crafts!
This is such a spooky idea! And what an easy thing for kids to do! Just use a white paper plate and let kids decorate the face of their ghosts. Then cut out arms and attach to the back of the plate. For the bottom part, use white streamers. It might be a good idea to have these cut out ahead of time so that kids don't have to do that. Then attach the streamers to the back of the plate at the bottom so they hang down. Punch a hole at the top and string ribbon through so you can use them to decorate the classroom! What an awesome idea! 


I'm a sucker for ghosts!

ghost suckers
So this one was an idea straight out of my kindergarten classroom. For our Halloween party this year, we took Tootsie Roll Pops and covered them in tissue paper. (I cut out the pieces ahead of time). The kids covered their favorite flavor in a couple layers of tissue paper and put it on with a ribbon (and the help of an adult). Then as a finishing touch, we added wiggle eyes. 
The ghosts in this picture were done in a similar way except this person used tissues instead of the tissue paper, and they drew the eyes on rather than gluing on eyes. Either way, this is such an easy and cute craft for kids to do. And they love it because they get a sucker out of the deal. 


Pumpkin treats that greet! 

This is such a great idea, especially for giving ideas to parents that want to bring something in for the classroom Halloween party. All it is, is a bunch of Dole mandarin oranges in the plastic cups, then drawing faces on them like Jack-o-Lanterns! So cute, easy, and most of all, healthy! So great!  


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