Monday, June 3, 2013

Happy Summer!

Happy [almost] summer everyone!

Mine has been eventful already thus far! I just returned from a two week mission trip to Germany last week, hence the lack of posts. However, I love this idea, and I think it'll make up for my slacking!

Ok, so everyone has read this wonderful book - I hope. If you haven't, DO IT! I saw on Pinterest, an idea to buy this book for your children, then as they go through school, have each of their teachers sign it! They can write a note or just sign their names, then you give it to them at graduation! I love this idea, especially since I wish my mom would've done this for me! I loved (almost) all my teachers growing up and I would've loved to have a keepsake like this.

I realize this isn't specifically a teaching idea, but it relates to kids, and teachers, so I figured I'd share!

More posts to come!
