Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone is getting all ready for Thursday's festivities! I know my family and I are. I can't wait to have a break from school and spend some time with my family and friends. For this special holiday post, I thought I would add a Thanksgiving recipe. This is one I found on one of the blogs I looked at.

This one is for making pilgrim hats! SO CUTE! For this you'll need a pack of those fudge stripe cookies. Keebler makes them, but I think any off brand would work. Then some mini Reese's cups, frosting, and some Chiclets gum.

Simply turn the cookies upside down so the stripes face the plate, then put the frosting on the cookie and top it with the (unwrapped) Reese's cup and place the gum on the front as the buckle. Such a cute, festive, easy treat. Kids could do this as well!

I hope you like this idea, please feel free to look at the Holidays tab of my blog for more holiday ideas for this busy time of year!

I hope you all have a blessed holiday season and take some time to be Thankful!
