Hey there!
So today I had a special opportunity to have a group of kids ages ranging from kindergarten - fifth grade come to our school. They sat in the front of the class and were asked questions by our group of future teachers. We were allowed to ask them anything (within reason) to help us become better teachers. So I wanted to share a few things I learned from the kids with you all. Here we go.
What do you like about your teachers?
-"She's nice"
-"She's funny"
What is your hardest subect in school and why?
-"Math because story problems are hard to figure out"
-"Math because I don't get it"
- "Math, I don't like it"
- "Writing because I don't know what to write about"
What kinds of books do you guys like to read?
- "Chapter books"
-"Magic Treehouse books"
-"Mystery books"
- "Chapter books"
- "Picture books"
What does your teacher do to make you feel specail?
-"Spends one-on-one time with us"
-"Asks us about our day"
Have you had any special needs students in your class? And if so, what do you do to include them?
-"We do peer-to-peer work so we include them and play with them on recess and we calm them down if they get mad"
What do you do first thing in the morning on a school day?
-"We like to start things right away"
-"We do daily math packets"
-"We read"
Do you like to work as a whole class or in groups?
-"A whole class because we don't have to have things repeated"
-"A whole class because when friends work together they talk and don't work"
Is there bullying in your school, if so what do you do to stop it?
-"Unfortunately yes, but if I see it I tell at teacher and try to stop it"
-"Not really"
What do you do in between activities?
What are the rules in your classroom and what happens if you break them?
-"Be honest"
-"We get cards switched, everyone starts out green then if they misbehave they go to yellow which is a warning, orange is losing 5 minutes of recess, and red is silent lunch, no recess, and call home"
-"We have to write a behavior plan, and trust me you don't want to write a behavior plan"
How are you rewarded in your class for good behavior or grades?
-"By getting 100% on math packets we get math tickets and win prizes every week"
Do you like it when teachers go to events at the school?
-"Yes I really like it"
-"Kinda it makes me nervous"
Do teachers give you a chance to talk about your own life?
-"Yes on Monday we get to talk about our weekends"
-"No but I wish we did"
What advice would you give all these future teachers?
-"Watch out"
-"Be kind"
-"Don't have lots of substitutes because your kids will goof off"
-"Watch out for bugs"
What else did I learn?
- Let kids move around the classroom, don't stick them at their desks
- Let them choose their own partners (at least sometimes)
- Be understading, loyal, nice, kind, and not strict
I hope this is helpful or at least funny. Enjoy!