Saturday, July 7, 2012

Are you a bucket filler?

Have you filled a bucket today?

Tonight's post is about a book that was read to me in one of my education classes. I think it is a WONDERFUL example of what children should learn not only in the classroom but at home as well. This book is called: "Have you filled a bucket today?" by Carol McCloud. The book talks about how everyone has a bucket, and when we do nice things for people, or say nice things to them or about them, we fill their buckets. However, if we do or say mean things, then we empty their buckets. Moral of the story of course being, be a bucket filler. There are so many adorable activities to go with this book. Some can be found at this website: So cute! 

If you get the chance to read/buy this book, you should! It's a great teaching tool and a wonderful lesson to teach your own kids! 


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