Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone is getting all ready for Thursday's festivities! I know my family and I are. I can't wait to have a break from school and spend some time with my family and friends. For this special holiday post, I thought I would add a Thanksgiving recipe. This is one I found on one of the blogs I looked at.

This one is for making pilgrim hats! SO CUTE! For this you'll need a pack of those fudge stripe cookies. Keebler makes them, but I think any off brand would work. Then some mini Reese's cups, frosting, and some Chiclets gum.

Simply turn the cookies upside down so the stripes face the plate, then put the frosting on the cookie and top it with the (unwrapped) Reese's cup and place the gum on the front as the buckle. Such a cute, festive, easy treat. Kids could do this as well!

I hope you like this idea, please feel free to look at the Holidays tab of my blog for more holiday ideas for this busy time of year!

I hope you all have a blessed holiday season and take some time to be Thankful!


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I'm back... For real this time!

So sorry I haven't been posting lately. It's been a crazy life. Midterms and Homecoming in the same week! Craziness = done. I'm officially caught up on all of my homework, and now it's time to get back to posting. So for those of you who are still with me, hold on! Get ready! You're about to get hit by some AWESOME teaching ideas!

Prepare yourselves!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

A new post... FINALLY!

Hello there wonderful people! First of all, I hope you are all having a fantastic summer so far. For me, time is winding down and I'll be headed back to school next week! So I figured I should probably get some more posts going to get ready for the upcoming school year!

So, to start of August, here's something that I just found today:

This is an idea from another blog that I was reading. This teacher has the kids do science notebooks, and when they're working on a project and they have pieces to keep, they can put them in this folder. This is about as straight forward as it gets - it's one of those "why didn't I think of that?" things. All you have to do is glue a manila envelope (available at the dollar store) and put it in the back of a composition notebook. It may be a good idea to take the notebooks with you so you know what size envelope to get, but other than that, it's so simple!

I will definitely keep this idea in mind for future notebook projects!

For now that's it from me, but stay tuned for more postings! Also, check out my links at the top of this page for more subject specific ideas!
For when they have small pieces of things they are working on but are not ready to glue in their journals yet! What a great idea!


Monday, June 3, 2013

Happy Summer!

Happy [almost] summer everyone!

Mine has been eventful already thus far! I just returned from a two week mission trip to Germany last week, hence the lack of posts. However, I love this idea, and I think it'll make up for my slacking!

Ok, so everyone has read this wonderful book - I hope. If you haven't, DO IT! I saw on Pinterest, an idea to buy this book for your children, then as they go through school, have each of their teachers sign it! They can write a note or just sign their names, then you give it to them at graduation! I love this idea, especially since I wish my mom would've done this for me! I loved (almost) all my teachers growing up and I would've loved to have a keepsake like this.

I realize this isn't specifically a teaching idea, but it relates to kids, and teachers, so I figured I'd share!

More posts to come!


Monday, April 29, 2013

Ketchup & Pickles

I found this idea on Pinterest, and I love the idea! This is what the website says to do: 

"My students love to "play" pickles and ketchup on Friday afternoons. First print then cut the cards in half to make to two signs. Laminate and attach magnets to each of signs. Then on Fridays, I place them on the board. Anyone who has turned in all of their assignments is a "pickle" and I write their name under the pickle sign. Anyone who is missing an assignment has their name placed under the ketchup bottle. Pickles can "pick" a fun game or activity, while "ketchups" catch up on missing work. It is amazing how quickly assignments come in!"

I think this is great motivation for students to get their work done! I think this will definitely be on my list of things to do in my classroom!

Follow the link under the pictures, and you can get a free download of these pictures as well as instructions on how to implement!!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Happy Late Earth Day!

In honor of Earth Day, I decided to post this cute idea that I found while looking at random education blogs. This one is all about the Lorax by Dr. Seuss. This website features a ton of ideas for a Lorax birthday party, but I loved the idea of planting the new Truffula Trees!

This is a good idea to read the book "The Lorax" to students and then have them make their own Lorax pots, then they get to plant their own Truffula trees (which are really sunflowers). This can be integrated into a science lesson, or you could do it as an Earth Day lesson.

As an alternative to real trees and dirt, I saw an idea where students plant a pom pom in a pot of confetti and when the students go home, the teacher places a lollipop or something like it, in the pots. So cute!

Incredible Truffula Tree Inspired Lorax Birthday Party


Monday, April 8, 2013

Eric Carle in the Classroom!

For those of you who don't know, Eric Carle is a children's author who writes books like "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and "This is Monday" I saw this on Pinterest (where else) and I thought it was adorable. Unfortunately, the link that this came from is a church website so there's no instructions on how to make these. However! I think it's possible to look at the picture and make your own.

This is a great project idea for spring or when you're talking about metamorphosis. You can read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" first then make this craft, or just make a few like it to put up in the classroom! 

Happy Spring! 


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Confessions of a Teacher


I found this lovely picture on Pinterest today, and I thought it was a great way for a teacher to tell her students how she really feels. Positive reinforcement is so huge these days, it's important for us to remember to tell our students these things each and every day. What a better way to remind them, then to have a constant reminder up in the classroom?


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bulletin Boards

 I found this genius idea today on Pinterest (where else!) and I love it! All you have to do is glue thumbtacks on the back of clothespins, then you can put them on your bulletin boards and clip things like important papers, reminders, etc. I think this is such a great idea and it's SO SIMPLE!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Pinterest for Teachers!

I hope everyone is enjoying their February so far! I know I talk a lot about Pinterest and that's because it's so awesome! If you're a teacher/student/future teacher, etc. you should definitely consider getting one! Now my post for today is about a website that I found on... you guessed it: Pinterest! It's got a ton of ideas, pictures, etc. for future teachers and their classrooms! It's so awesome! There are pictures of actual classrooms showing you how to decorate using various themes. There's a ton of ideas!

Now I must warn you that this website is so cool that you should set aside a chunk of time to explore it! Sure  you could just glance, but to really get the amazingness that is this site, you have to REALLY check it out!

Here's the link:

Image is a screen shot from the actual website from the link above

I hope this site makes up for the lack of posts! I hope to post some more soon! 

But for now...


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Classroom Management

First of all, Happy New Year everyone! I hope this post finds you enjoying a wonderful 2013. I know it's been a while since I've posted anything, SO I wanted to make it up to you by posting something that I just found that I LOVE! 

The teacher that thought of this is a genius and I am definitely using thins. She put up pictures of commonly asked questions like: "Can we use markers?" "Do we turn this in?" etc. Then she put them on the board with magnets. Then she put check marks next to the questions that are answered with yes, and x's next to the ones answered with no. This way the kids know by looking at this board that they can use markers, talk to their friends, work at their seats, talk to the teacher, and they have to turn it in when they're done.

I think this is a great idea and I can't wait to implement it someday!
